In Depth
In Depth: Laravel Security Audits Top 10 (2024)!
[In Depth #31] Here are the Top 10 security issues I've found during my security audits, highlighting the areas we as a community need to improve our security.
In Depth
[In Depth #31] Here are the Top 10 security issues I've found during my security audits, highlighting the areas we as a community need to improve our security.
In Depth
[In Depth #27] Let me walk you through my process of conducting a Laravel Security Audit and Penetration Test, starting with the passive scans that usually find a lot of low-hanging fruit!
In Depth
[In Depth #25] Laravel makes effective use of encryption for security purposes, but what happens if your encryption key needs to be rotated? Let's see how Laravel 11 handles it...
Security Tips
[Tip#62] Search engines like to snoop on all of your files, so be careful what you leave lying around.
Security Tips
[Tip#61] While it's tempting to throw everything into logs, keep in mind where your logs end up → plain text files, 3rd party collectors, passed around the development team, etc...
Security Tips
[Tip#60] Stack traces are essential for debugging complex (and even simple) issues, but there is a risk that something sensitive might be exposed within your trace... Let's ensure that doesn't happen!
Security Tips
[Tip#56] It may be tempting to compare keys/sensitive strings using `===`, or even `==`, but that opens you up to timing attacks! You should be using a timing attack safe string comparison function...
[InDepth#19] It's time to finish up the "Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker" walkthrough, looking at the rest of the challenges and the final hack from Laracon US!
In Depth
[InDepth#17] Let's dive deep into the wonderful world of storing environment variables safely, looking at the different options Laravel supports and some "industry best practices".
Security Tips
[Tip#34] Laravel features the ability to encrypt environment files... but do you need to use it?
Security Tips
[Tip#31] These are my favourite simple security trick to let you know if someone is poking around in your stuff.
Security Tips
[Tip#30] Who wants to go on a treasure hunt for secrets, credentials, and API keys?