OWASP Top 10
OWASP In Depth: A01:2021 - Broken Access Control
Let's dive into the first risk in the OWASP Top 10...
OWASP Top 10
Let's dive into the first risk in the OWASP Top 10...
In Depth
[InDepth#11] Also known as hide-and-seek, and security through obscurity!
Security Tips
[Tip#27] Observing the existence of something you can't access still tells you something important, even if you can't access it.
Security Tips
[Tip#24] It may sound trivial, but it's easy to overlook.
Security Tips
[Tip#23] Because who doesn't love to scope their bindings?
In Depth
[InDepth#9] One of the many awesome and completely underrated Laravel security features.
In Depth
[InDepth#8] Policy Objects are incredibly powerful. Use them.
Security Tips
[Tip#2] Policy Filters let you implement shared authorisation checks across your entire policy without repeating code in every method.