Security Tip: Use Route Groups!

[Tip#24] It may sound trivial, but it's easy to overlook.

Security Tip: Use Route Groups!

Route Groups are awesome for so many reasons, and as you’d expected, one of those reasons is security. Not only do they make it easy to review the access requirements for each of your routes in the one place but they also serve as a fantastic reminder that you need to be aware of the permissions for each of your routes.

Consider this: when adding a new route, you’ll open up the routes file, and look for a suitable place to put it. If everything is grouped, you need to decide what access level that route needs when you add it. You’re unlikely to forget and your app stays secure.

Alternatively, if you leave your access control in your controllers, you’ll add your route somewhere, open up a blank controller and start coding… and sometimes forget about access control, leaving an endpoint wide open.

I recommend implementing as much of your access control as possible through middleware.

You’ve got the default auth and guest helpers for basic authentication checks, with Policy Objects to handle more complex rules, but if the app I’m working on requires something more complicated, I’ll implement some custom middleware to handle that logic too. That way it’s all encompassed within middleware and the route layer, making it harder for me to overlook and forget.

As a quick guide:

Authenticated Users Only

Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
    // ...

Unauthenticated Guests Only

// Authenticated Users Only
Route::middleware(['guest'])->group(function () {
    // ...

Authenticated With Specific Auth Guard Only

Route::middleware(['auth:admin'])->group(function () {
    // ...

Authenticated & Product Policy Approved Only

Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
    // ...

    Route::middleware(['can:view,product'])->group(function () {
        // ..

Authenticated & Custom Control

Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
    // ...

    Route::middleware(['editor'])->group(function () {
        // ..

Useful Documentation:

  1. Route Groups
  2. Route Group Middleware
  3. Route Authentication Middleware
  4. Default Middleware

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Looking to dive deeper into Laravel security? Check out Practical Laravel Security, my hands-on security course that uses interactive hacking challenges to teach you about how vulnerabilities work, so you can avoid them in your own code!