Security Tips
Security Tip: strip_tags() Won't Save You from XSS!
[Tip #98] XSS doesn't just hide in <script> tags - it sneaks in through HTML attributes, links, and even inline styles! Don't rely on functions like strip_tags() to keep you safe...
Security Tips
[Tip #98] XSS doesn't just hide in <script> tags - it sneaks in through HTML attributes, links, and even inline styles! Don't rely on functions like strip_tags() to keep you safe...
Security Tips
[Tip #97] XSS loves to sneak into your apps when you're not paying attention, so you need to be intentional with your outputs and think about every piece of user input you're using in your apps!
In Depth
[In Depth #31] Here are the Top 10 security issues I've found during my security audits, highlighting the areas we as a community need to improve our security.
In Depth
[In Depth #29] It's time to spend some time looking for smelly or suspicious code, searching for common patterns and functions that usually show up around weaknesses. 🕵️
Security Tips
[Tip #86] Cookies come in many shapes and sizes, and with multiple attributes just to confuse you... Have you ever wondered what the humble HttpOnly attribute actually does?
Security Tips
[Tip #85] What browser features do you have enabled on your site, and what can an XSS attack do if you don't disable them?
Security Tips
[Tip#67] As useful as it sounds, nl2br() can potentially leave you open to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities... you should reach for CSS instead!
Security Tips
[Tip#64] Do you know the difference between `e()`, `htmlspecialchars()`, & `htmlentities()`? Can we just use `e()` for everything?
Security Tips
[Tip#63] PHP includes a some really handy security-focused functions, but you need to know how to use them correctly, or you risk leaving a significant vulnerability waiting to be exploited! 😱
[InDepth#19] It's time to finish up the "Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker" walkthrough, looking at the rest of the challenges and the final hack from Laracon US!
Security Tips
[Tip#47] Setting up a CSP doesn't have to be a daunting task! Let's take a look at a tips for getting started with CSPs, without breaking anything!
Security Tips
[Tip#44] Check out that one simple trick... I mean... This is my favourite way to avoid XSS.