In Depth
In Depth: Common Authorisation Failures!
[In Depth #33] Let's explore a number of common ways developers fail authorisation in Laravel apps, and what you need to watch out for so you don't make the same mistakes!
In Depth
[In Depth #33] Let's explore a number of common ways developers fail authorisation in Laravel apps, and what you need to watch out for so you don't make the same mistakes!
Security Tips
[Tip #88] Signed URLs are awesome, but if you forget to check they are working - you may be leaving a massive vulnerability just waiting to be exploited...
Security Tips
[Tip#74] Laravel 11 shifts the default middleware into the framework itself and exposes configuration through the bootstrap/app.php class.
In Depth
[InDepth#24] It's time to answer the question: how do you build user registration and authentication without an enumeration vector?
Security Tips
[Tip#66] For those situations where you need to generate a repeatable hash or signature, reach for HMAC, rather than MD5 or SHA1.
In Depth
[InDepth#18] Let's take a walk through the first half of my "Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker" talk from Laracon EU & US. We'll explore the vulnerabilities behind each challenge and what I was trying to teach.
In Depth
[InDepth#13] User input comes in many different forms, and sometimes your app will believe whatever your users tell it... especially if it's in a header!
In Depth
[InDepth#11] Also known as hide-and-seek, and security through obscurity!
In Depth
[InDepth#10] One time codes, magic links, and more...
In Depth
[InDepth#9] One of the many awesome and completely underrated Laravel security features.