In Depth
In Depth: Using CSS Clickjacking to Steal Passwords
[In Depth #26] It's time for some nightmare fuel with a sneaky inline CSS vulnerability I found in a popular Laravel package!
In Depth
[In Depth #26] It's time for some nightmare fuel with a sneaky inline CSS vulnerability I found in a popular Laravel package!
Security Tips
[Tip#57] You've heard about SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting but what about another big injection avenue: Command Injection? It's less common but just as critical that you're aware of it...
[InDepth#19] It's time to finish up the "Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker" walkthrough, looking at the rest of the challenges and the final hack from Laracon US!
OWASP Top 10
It's a three-in-one for the third last entry into our OWASP Top 10 series!
Security Tips
i.e. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL injection (SQLi), and Command Injection
Security Tips
[Tip#14] What is Subresource Integrity and why is it so important for securing your site?
In Depth
Placeholders are incredibly useful, but you need to be careful with them.