Security Tips
Security Tip: Keep Your Tools Updated!
[Tip#71] We talk a lot about keeping our app dependencies updated, but we can't forget our tools like Composer also need updates too!
Security Tips
[Tip#71] We talk a lot about keeping our app dependencies updated, but we can't forget our tools like Composer also need updates too!
Security Tips
[Tip#45] The more dependencies your project has, the higher your risk of supply-chain attack is, and the less you're aware of what code is actually running...
OWASP Top 10
It's a three-in-one for the third last entry into our OWASP Top 10 series!
Security Tips
Keep your stuff updated!!
Security Tips
[Tip#28] Composer 🥰
Security Tips
[Tip#18] Dependencies are security risks, especially if you have a lot of them or don't keep them updated...