Laravel Security in Depth → Black Friday Special Offer
If you've been thinking of upgrading your Laravel Security in Depth subscription, now is the time!
If you've been thinking of upgrading your Laravel Security in Depth subscription, now is the time!
[In Depth #31] Here are the Top 10 security issues I've found during my security audits, highlighting the areas we as a community need to improve our security.
[Tip #96] Encryption is essential, but you can't just install a certificate and go about your day... Secure those cookies, redirect from HTTP, and HSTS FTW! 🎉
[Tip #95] While you really shouldn't unserialise anything you get from a user, occasionally you have no choice... so how do you do it safely?
[Tip #94] Just like we can detect insecure functions with Pest, we can use PHPStan extensions to find and disallow insecure functions!