Laravel Security in Depth → Black Friday Special Offer
If you've been thinking of upgrading your Laravel Security in Depth subscription, now is the time!
If you've been thinking of upgrading your Laravel Security in Depth subscription, now is the time!
[Tip #101] Password length limits are often a sign of a legacy backend or insecure hashing, but did you know bcrypt only hashes the first 72 characters? It raises the question, should we be limiting password lengths when using bcrypt too? 🤔
[In Depth #32] Let's explore 5 different "Authentication Fails" that I've come across, as a reminder for why it's so important to get authentication right.
[Tip #100] One of the fun parts of doing my security audits is coming across unexpected code that looks exploitable, and trying it out myself to see what possibilities exist.
[Tip #99] Let me tell you a story about a time when a single missing character allowed me to escalate my privileges and gain admin access, despite all the protections designed to stop me! 😈